Experience Mindset Reset with 'The Gap and The Gain'

In my latest newsletter, I unveiled a concept that could be a game-changer for your fall season - the power of a mindset reset.  If you missed it, don't worry – you can subscribe here to stay in the loop because you won't want to miss any more gems like this!

When it comes to refreshing your perspective, one of my all-time favorite methods is diving into a compelling book that sparks inspiration. And hey, it doesn't have to be a self-help book; there's a world of captivating fiction out there that can reignite your passion.

But for this month, I want to shine a spotlight on a book that's been transforming my outlook: "The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success" by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

The core message of this gem? It's all about how we often find ourselves feeling unfulfilled as we chase our dreams because we keep comparing ourselves to our future ideal selves.

Dan Sullivan's words hit home right from the start: "The way to measure your progress is backward against where you started, not against your ideal."

Aha! That's precisely what I've been preaching! Setting goals is undeniably crucial, but if you're constantly sizing yourself up against the version of you who's already achieved them, you're bound to be disheartened.

Let's be real – comparing yourself to a future, imaginary you is neither realistic nor encouraging. Instead, turn your gaze backward to your past self and marvel at how far you've come.

Why? Because being able to appreciate your starting point is a remarkable skill. It fuels your journey and instills the kind of enthusiasm that makes you tackle each new opportunity head-on.

Every challenge that comes your way? It's an invitation to grow, a chance to cultivate a mindset that believes you can conquer any obstacle.

But here's the kicker – comparing yourself solely to your end goal is a recipe for ongoing dissatisfaction. Our goals evolve as we grow, so if you measure your worth against them, you'll forever feel like you fall short.

So, here's my challenge to you this month: grab a copy of "The Gap and The Gain" or any book that piques your curiosity and stirs your soul. There's an abundance of wisdom out there, especially from experts like life coaches. And hey, if you want to dive into a book together, reach out – as your mindset coach, I'm here to help you thrive and flourish!


Unlocking Self-Confidence: The Power of The Gap and The Gain


Embracing the Unpredictable Future with a Positive Mindset