Mastering Stress Management: Techniques for Thriving in a Fast-Paced World
Sometimes my day makes me feel like I am a racecar driver! I’m constantly zooming, moving from one project to the next, preparing for the next meeting.
I’m not going to lie, sometimes I like to feel busy! It makes me feel productive. And sometimes I feel like it is all too much to handle. It makes me feel depleted.
Thriving in a fast-paced world can be difficult.
When handling stress, it is important to have techniques that help us stay in a healthy mindset.
Before working on these skills, we want to identify that we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. It might seem obvious because you can see on your calendar that you have a lot going on. Other times, it’s not as obvious.
One big clue you might be stressed is how you’re speaking and thinking. Do you find that you’re being very short with people when they ask you questions? Or maybe you start to speak negatively to yourself. Maybe you’re telling yourself, “I should be done with this already. I’m not moving fast enough, I’m not good enough.”
So let’s start with speaking kindly. When we speak negatively to ourselves, we dig ourselves further into stress because we break down our confidence. Speak to yourself with grace and love. Reframe your thoughts. “This is a difficult task, but I’ve completed difficult tasks before. I can do this.”
The second skill that is important to learn is regular exercise. I know what you’re thinking, “I’m stressed! I don’t have the time to do that!” However, physical activity is an actual stress reliever. When we exercise our bodies release endorphins, a chemical in the brain that relieves pain and elevates our mood. Regular exercise can help you have a mental reset when you’re stressed out.
The third skill I want to share is making healthy lifestyle choices. When you’re balancing all of your demands, you mustn’t deprioritize yourself. Continuing to eat a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding excessive caffeine and sugar will help you stay level-headed no matter what stressors come your way.
It’s important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another, so keep experimenting to figure out what works best for you. Reach out to me if you need help finding stress-relieving strategies that work for you!