Preparing for a Coaching Session

You’ve made the decision to be coached and are wondering how to prepare for the coaching session. No problem, I’ve got you covered!

Review the contract prior to the session. A coach will likely email out a coaching contract prior to the coaching session. Please review, sign and return it prior to the session. The coaching contract is an important piece of setting the stage for coaching as it sets expectations for the sessions. By taking time to read through the document you will learn what you are responsible for and what your coach will provide in order to gain the most from the session.

Preparing for a coaching session is relatively easy. Take a few minutes in the days prior to your coaching appointment to jot down thoughts surrounding what’s going on in your life. What’s working well? What’s not working well? Are there areas of discomfort? As you write down your thoughts, try not to censure yourself. This list is for you and it’s to help you know where you want to start, because as you come back to your list, day by day, the topic you want to talk about will rise to the top.

Clear your schedule for the coaching appointment. If this is an in-person session allow for drive time so you can arrive a few minutes early to ensure an on-time start. You will have a moment to relax prior to the meeting, gather your thoughts and settle your body. If it’s a virtual session, log on a couple of minutes early to ensure your connectivity is working and the camera and microphone are aligned with the virtual hosting system. If you have children or pets, have another caretaker available to provide support for them, so you are free to focus on yourself and the coach.


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