Three Powerful Lessons Learned on the Path to Healing: Insights for Personal Growth and Transformation

Six Figs Podcast

I had such a wonderful time on Meg Whitt’s podcast, Six Figs, that I can’t help but talk about it again. In the episode (68, which I highly recommend listening to), I shared with Meg three things I have learned through my healing.

 Life Hacks

These lessons I learned have become life hacks for me when I’m having a hard moment, hard day, or hard week. I hope these tips can help you, as you learn to listen to your thoughts, emotions, and body.

 The First Thing - Thoughts

The first thing I learned was, you can think anything you want to think. Isn’t that crazy?! You have the power to think whatever you want. Your thoughts are not outside your control. When I find myself in a sticky situation, I’ll ask myself, “Do I have the power to change the circumstance or the power to change my thoughts about the circumstance?” 

I would say that 99% of the time I cannot change what is happening around me. However, I can change my thoughts to have a better experience. Learning how to change your thoughts can help bring down your stress levels and make situations seem more manageable.

The Second Thing - Emotions

The second thing I learned was, I can, and I want to experience all the emotions. As you know, for March in our F.L.O. (the Formula for Living Optimally) program we are talking about our emotions and their importance. So let me share with you a tip to help you this month and for the rest of your life as you learn to work with your emotions. 

Emotions won’t kill you. I know those big emotions can seem scary and like the world might end if we actually have to feel them. But they won’t kill you. When we experience them fully, we teach ourselves that we are strong enough to experience them and next time won’t be as scary. When you start to feel an emotion come on that you’d rather not feel, let yourself sit through it and breathe. Remember that you are strong, and you’ve survived all your big feelings in the past.

 The Third Thing - Nourishing the Body

The last thing I shared was, the importance of nourishing my body. Now, this is a part of my F.L.O. program that we will go more in-depth into in a couple of months, but for now, let me share how it can connect to your emotions. Don’t let yourself get hangry. When we become hangry it becomes much more difficult to navigate emotions. We experience less joy and more unnecessary frustration.

Frustration does not have to be avoided, but we don’t need to put ourselves purposefully in a situation where we will become frustrated and then not be able to manage or fully feel our emotions. When we become hangry, (over hungry and angry) we stop truly feeling our emotions and we tend to take it out on others because we aren’t paying attention to where our emotions are coming from or how to feel them properly. So, to help yourself emotionally make sure that you are eating food that is nutritious and filling. 

Living Optimal Lives

When we learn how to control our thoughts, experience all our emotions, and nourish our bodies properly we learn how to be flexible and live more fully. If any of these lessons stuck out to you or you have questions on how to incorporate them into your life, reach out to me and we can set up an appointment. Our lives can be so different when we accumulate tools that help us to live more optimally.


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