Everybody Can Benefit From Having a Coach

You Too Can Benefit From Having a Coach!

Everybody needs a coach of some kind. Tom Brady needed a football coach—Bill Belichick. Daniel LaRusso needed a karate coach—Mr. Miyagi. Mulan needed a life coach—Mushu.

The purpose of having a coach, no matter the type, is to help you achieve your best potential. 

I want to help YOU achieve your fullest potential.

Can You Coach Yourself?

You might be wondering if you could simply do it yourself and be your own coach. And you could, but it’s not likely to be nearly as effective as getting guidance from someone else.

Studies show that people create more change in their life and are more accountable about sticking to that change when they have someone to report to (Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, Chapter 8, Tierney & Baumeister).

I want to be the person that can help keep you accountable! Not only do I want to help you achieve your goals, but I also have years of experience that can help you. 

What Roles Do You Play in Life?

In today’s world, you have to wear a lot of different hats. Let me tell you about just a few of the hats I have worn throughout my life. I raised three kids—the parent hat. I have fulfilled callings for my church—the volunteer hat. I have spent time working as a learning and development director—the leader hat. I now run my own company—the entrepreneur hat.

 I want to help you figure out how to prioritize the most important hats and roles you operate under and how to not slip behind on responsibilities. I want to help you feel fulfilled so that all the different versions of yourself don’t start to feel like burdens.

Are You Feeling Anxious?

A 2021 study from the American Psychiatric Association found that 41% of the respondents said they were more anxious this year compared to last year. I understand your concerns, I feel anxiety surrounding the change that comes every year. However, I’ve received great tools from my life coach. And I have my own set of great tools that I want to share with you! Those tools help lessen anxiety.

Coaches Hear What We’re Saying

A benefit to having a coach is that they can catch the things we say that may be holding us back. They can pick up on the limiting beliefs we hold or excessive use of negative self-talk.

I was talking with my niece last week and she told me about how she became aware of her limiting beliefs. She said, “Someone once told me that I’m not good at making decisions. I started telling myself that I was bad at making decisions.” 

After it was pointed out to her, she said that she began to talk with greater awareness. Instead of saying “I’m bad at making decisions” she would start saying “This is a hard decision to make.” 

Adjusting Your Mindset to Get Results

Part of changing self-talk and limiting beliefs begins with adjusting your mindset.

Mindset is often spoken about as “fixed” or “growth.” Fixed mindsets are rigid, and they prevent you from growing and increasing your capabilities. But a growth mindset helps you to see that you can do new things, you can do hard things and you can grow in new and exciting ways.

Focusing on your mindset and learning how to make it healthier is crucial to taking that next step in creating change in your life. A healthy mindset helps you to enact the things you talk about with your Life Coach. It will also help you to lead a more fulfilled life that focuses on the power that you have and all you can do!

Reach Out, I’m Here to Help

Message me so we can get started working together on helping you to build a growth mindset and get rid of negative self-talk that holds you back. Together we can make a plan that will hold you accountable for the change you want to see in your life. A plan that fits all your responsibilities and can help lessen the stress you feel. Together we can make sure you finish off the year strong and start the new year refreshed.




Your Mindset Creates Your Results


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